Malas mau update blog. *huge grin*
August 10, 2009
July 13, 2009
Honestly, I expected to get shit load of assignments coming in when I'm in my current college.
But, thanks to my super 5 stars procrastination I don't think I can go through another semester. *long sigh*
I can say 90% of my classmates are also doing the same things. Some even worse. Jeez.
The only problem now is $$. I should've chosen the cheaper alternative. Though, I must say I love being here. It's just that with my family's current financial status, I feel like throwing everything away. I mean, it's not TOO late.
I've been thinking alot. But then again, I wouldn't dare to make a desicion anyway.
But, thanks to my super 5 stars procrastination I don't think I can go through another semester. *long sigh*
I can say 90% of my classmates are also doing the same things. Some even worse. Jeez.
The only problem now is $$. I should've chosen the cheaper alternative. Though, I must say I love being here. It's just that with my family's current financial status, I feel like throwing everything away. I mean, it's not TOO late.
I've been thinking alot. But then again, I wouldn't dare to make a desicion anyway.
July 5, 2009
I'm starting to get really lazy when it comes to blogging. :(
Mehh. But now I'm semi-inspired to blog! Wheeeee.
Okay so I noticed I rarely posted pictures. Pictures are worth a thousand words man!
So yeah. *drumrolls*

This is a picture of my comment-ed class assignment.
"It may be frustrating to draw but please don't spoil your drawing with strokes like this."
HAHAHAHA like whattheheck. I wont post my 'drawing' cause it looks like standard 3 kid punya shading. @__@

Yes don't ask me "Why suddenly wan?"
I will answer "Cause I feel like it" Huahuahuahua.
*prays for more cash to magically appear in my very thin wallet*

My beloved Letty :(
Gave her away because I had no time + space. And she needed a guinea pig companion....
I miss her wheeking! T___T
But I'm glad she's at a better home now. :D

Some random picture of my class. Uh, forgot the name of that class..... Drawing Studio 1?
I dislike, dislike not hate , the goddamn drawing class. What I do in class? Sit down on a stupid chair with a stupid easel and draw still life objects. MEH.
My lecturer and tutor wont even comment much...only AFTER marking our assignments. Which explains the first picture up up up there.
Art materials, EXPENSIVE
Ice Skating, EXPENSIVE
Oh and I have been Ice Skating with my classmates just recently. My classmates macam satu big family.
Very the syiok! Since my stupid inline skates are semi-spoilt and very the cheap, anddd I rarely have time to go downstairs and SKATING FTW!
WHEEE pictures uploaded....crapped a of post?
Mehh. But now I'm semi-inspired to blog! Wheeeee.
Okay so I noticed I rarely posted pictures. Pictures are worth a thousand words man!
So yeah. *drumrolls*

This is a picture of my comment-ed class assignment.
"It may be frustrating to draw but please don't spoil your drawing with strokes like this."
HAHAHAHA like whattheheck. I wont post my 'drawing' cause it looks like standard 3 kid punya shading. @__@

Yes don't ask me "Why suddenly wan?"
I will answer "Cause I feel like it" Huahuahuahua.
*prays for more cash to magically appear in my very thin wallet*

My beloved Letty :(
Gave her away because I had no time + space. And she needed a guinea pig companion....
I miss her wheeking! T___T
But I'm glad she's at a better home now. :D

Some random picture of my class. Uh, forgot the name of that class..... Drawing Studio 1?
I dislike, dislike not hate , the goddamn drawing class. What I do in class? Sit down on a stupid chair with a stupid easel and draw still life objects. MEH.
My lecturer and tutor wont even comment much...only AFTER marking our assignments. Which explains the first picture up up up there.
Art materials, EXPENSIVE
Ice Skating, EXPENSIVE
Oh and I have been Ice Skating with my classmates just recently. My classmates macam satu big family.
Very the syiok! Since my stupid inline skates are semi-spoilt and very the cheap, anddd I rarely have time to go downstairs and SKATING FTW!
WHEEE pictures uploaded....crapped a of post?
June 17, 2009
Ok not exactly an update..more like a post. .___. I don't make sense.
College life has been, pretty hectic. Thanks to the never ending assignments and...*ehem* procrastinating..and I think I can blame it on travelling.
I HATE TRAVELLING ALL THE WAY TO SUNWAY FROM WANGSA MAJU. FFFUUUU I must move in by end of this year or I'm really gonna die. T___T
Buttttttt push that all aside, classes are kinda fun! I learned how to draw heads,how to use Adobe Illustrator,drawing shapes,drawing potraits,watching movie(s)....
Agh, speaking about movies, my class had another video/movie session for the History of Art and Design. The movie was, FUUHH damn me lar.. Anyway, the name of the movie is Incognito. About some dude named Harry Donovan, who's an extremely talentet artist...*faints* Anyone wanna watch go look for the cd. Or download it online. :D
Okay I shouldn't bore myself...or rather you people. =/
MY CLASS IS FILLED WITH LUNATIC + SICK + MAD-ASSED SKILLED ARTISTSSS goddamnit. I feel like an outcast in class. -____-"
Oh well end of "update". *runs away*
Ok not exactly an update..more like a post. .___. I don't make sense.
College life has been, pretty hectic. Thanks to the never ending assignments and...*ehem* procrastinating..and I think I can blame it on travelling.
I HATE TRAVELLING ALL THE WAY TO SUNWAY FROM WANGSA MAJU. FFFUUUU I must move in by end of this year or I'm really gonna die. T___T
Buttttttt push that all aside, classes are kinda fun! I learned how to draw heads,how to use Adobe Illustrator,drawing shapes,drawing potraits,watching movie(s)....
Agh, speaking about movies, my class had another video/movie session for the History of Art and Design. The movie was, FUUHH damn me lar.. Anyway, the name of the movie is Incognito. About some dude named Harry Donovan, who's an extremely talentet artist...*faints* Anyone wanna watch go look for the cd. Or download it online. :D
Okay I shouldn't bore myself...or rather you people. =/
MY CLASS IS FILLED WITH LUNATIC + SICK + MAD-ASSED SKILLED ARTISTSSS goddamnit. I feel like an outcast in class. -____-"
Oh well end of "update". *runs away*
May 17, 2009
I can finally claim back my life after going to college. Nyahahahaha.
No more aimless online-ing, no more sleeping till 11am in the morning, no more flicking through channels looking for a good show to watch.........
College life has been pretty good so far, just because it's the first week. =/
My senior told me that the second week will be, even worse.
When I asked her, "What time do you sleep and wake up everyday?"
She asked me the same question back, and I said "11? 10?"
She laughed. -_______-"
She friggin laughed! @__@ Then she told me after this I'd be sleeping at 2am...
I'm gonna be sleep deprived......
And college's sucking my parents moneyh dryyy. First week of college sudah belanja about RM150++ on materials alone. *dies*
And having to wake up extra early and travel extra long = fucking tiring.
I wanna rent a room I wanna rent a room I wanna rent a rent a fucking room.
No more aimless online-ing, no more sleeping till 11am in the morning, no more flicking through channels looking for a good show to watch.........
College life has been pretty good so far, just because it's the first week. =/
My senior told me that the second week will be, even worse.
When I asked her, "What time do you sleep and wake up everyday?"
She asked me the same question back, and I said "11? 10?"
She laughed. -_______-"
She friggin laughed! @__@ Then she told me after this I'd be sleeping at 2am...
I'm gonna be sleep deprived......
And college's sucking my parents moneyh dryyy. First week of college sudah belanja about RM150++ on materials alone. *dies*
And having to wake up extra early and travel extra long = fucking tiring.
I wanna rent a room I wanna rent a room I wanna rent a rent a fucking room.
May 15, 2009
AN UPDATE! Or so it seems... =/
So anyways, I started college this week. And I hate having to wake up at 6am in the morning. Like whatthefuck right. Feels like I'm going back to highschool all over again. I leave the house at around 7, then reach the goddamn lrt at around 7.25-ish.
It's so friggin unfair! I dont wanna be waking up at 6 when my class starts at 9.30! T____T
Oh, and I finished my Paramore Decode Beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. No pictures cause I am very teh malas to snap. So now I'm working on Niuniu's beanie...his so called birthday present.
It's beige i think, but his hair is like brownish + black, god knows why he chose such a light colour when his hair is..... -_____- nevermind.
And I'm officially broke. Somewhat lah. Shouldn't have spent so much on the so called "College-clothes-spree".
Cibai jeans cibai shirts.... But I love my hoodie. *drools*
So anyways, I started college this week. And I hate having to wake up at 6am in the morning. Like whatthefuck right. Feels like I'm going back to highschool all over again. I leave the house at around 7, then reach the goddamn lrt at around 7.25-ish.
It's so friggin unfair! I dont wanna be waking up at 6 when my class starts at 9.30! T____T
Oh, and I finished my Paramore Decode Beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeee. No pictures cause I am very teh malas to snap. So now I'm working on Niuniu's beanie...his so called birthday present.
It's beige i think, but his hair is like brownish + black, god knows why he chose such a light colour when his hair is..... -_____- nevermind.
And I'm officially broke. Somewhat lah. Shouldn't have spent so much on the so called "College-clothes-spree".
Cibai jeans cibai shirts.... But I love my hoodie. *drools*
April 23, 2009
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my aunt just gave me a few boxes of hand-me-down items from some...uh..stranger!
1st box- crochet needles,crochet yarn, AND A PAIR OF KNITTING NEEDLES WOOTS.
2nd box- cross stitch needles, some cross stitch threads, and a cross stitch chart
Okay I know no one would be crazily enthusiastic about the stuff I "inherited", BUT WHO CARES HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAAA.
I'm so fucking hyper now I can't wait to start a new cross stitch project...... *drools*
p/s : I so fucking need a sewing machine. Screw my house for being so fucking small. AAAAAAAAAAA save me T__________T
1st box- crochet needles,crochet yarn, AND A PAIR OF KNITTING NEEDLES WOOTS.
2nd box- cross stitch needles, some cross stitch threads, and a cross stitch chart
Okay I know no one would be crazily enthusiastic about the stuff I "inherited", BUT WHO CARES HAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAAA.
I'm so fucking hyper now I can't wait to start a new cross stitch project...... *drools*
p/s : I so fucking need a sewing machine. Screw my house for being so fucking small. AAAAAAAAAAA save me T__________T