April 19, 2009

Current obsession :-

John Legend

Botak Chung (I don't know his real name T___________T)
Vin Diesel

Damn I wish I lived in the states or someplace where yarns are available anywhere. I know Malaysia has yarns, but mostly are acrylic! They're bloody cheap and they feel very cheap. Not gentle to the skin T____T Curse me why do I have to live in this bloody country.....

Yarn made out of cotton..... *drools*

shut up I'm learning how to knit and I'm proud of it. *muka bangga* =D

College's starting soon!! *goes crazy and runs around in circles*
How can I face the world!! My engrish has gotten horrible! Net slangs FTW! My grammar died. :(
Onoz! *Trying hard to say onoz like Mun* I fail obviously. Only Mun can say onoz. Damn where are my msn emoticons when I need them.

I don't wanna be travelling sooo much when I start college T_____T Sunway is tooo farrr. I can recall going to Sunway with my friends and we had to leave so early....*pulls blanket* nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I don't wanna wake up early.
This sucks. I wish my mom had some income. Then maybe I can rent a room. Huahuahuaaa.

And why I'm the only one - besides Noel, that hasn't made the effort to go for driving classes!! :(
Mun's just started.......... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm the only weirdo left out. *__*

Speaking about driving.. I have developed a secret obssesion.....
Cars... *drools*
I can't really recall but if I'm not mistaken my first *real* dream car was a Suzuki Swift. It was a silent obsession back then. I saw it on someone's blog, Jennihsurf or something, and DAMN that car's so sexy.... AGHHH I want a car.

Pictures taken from google.com and their respective websites.


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